Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wardrobe Re-Fashion (#1)

Saat pertama kali mengenakan jilbab, saya sempat bingung dengan pakaian yang harus saya kenakan, lalu apa kabar juga dengan baju-baju lama saya? Apakah masih bisa dipakai?

Di lemari, ada kaos abu-abu lengan pendek berkerah rendah. Saya sempat pesimis dengan tampilannya yang berlengan pendek dan bagian dadanya yang lahak (sangat terbuka). Tapi, kaos abu-abu ini juga punya kelebihan, yaitu bagian bawahnya yang cukup panjang sehingga saat dikenakan bisa menutupi pantat.

Saya kembali mengintip isi lemari. Siapa tahu ada baju yang bisa dipadankan dengan kaus abu-abu tadi dan bisa menutupi kekurangannya.
Bagaimana dengan kaos rajutan garis-garis ini? Kaus ini memiliki lengan yang panjang, namun bagian bawahnya yang agak pendek jika dipakai oleh orang bertubuh panjang sehingga bisa jadi menampakkan bagian belakang perut, kerahnya juga lebar sehingga memperlihatkan bagian leher dan dada bagian atas. Sekarang, gimana kalo kita gabungkan dua item tadi? 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Muslimah in Entrepreneurship

                                                      The @HijabersCommBDG
The Talk Show

On Saturday, August 7, 2011, I accidentally attended a talk show by HijabersComm Bandung at Pasteur Hyperpoint. They had a talk show, 'muslimah in entrepreneurship' with Irna Mutiara as a speaker. She is a female designer from Bandung. Known for the brand 'Irna La Perle, and Inas's Scarf. At that time, she shared tips and ideas on entrepreneurship, particularly in the field of hijab fashion design.

Many interesting things that intended me to follow the show until the end. In my opinion, Irna Mutiara shared so much in a talk show which duration is quite short. She was very generous for not only shared her 'kitchen' secrets, but also tips that hit for novice entrepreneurs.These are some things that I can record in my memory. I quote a few sentences that I think is most striking.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Having Dream Job With Blogging?

The hard part about having a new blog is like having a new relationship with someone. You should have a commitment. You have to write regularly, you should be creative.

And here I am.

Though I’m not a newbie in blogging, I realized that I am a newbie in these areas. Some people are in their first row, they blogging seriously about hijab fashion, home interior, traveling, photography, art craft, or even cooking. Some of them made living stand by blogging such things. They start with a blog, and then have their own clothing line or becoming a home interior design. They earn the life from blogging.

I believe that most of us learn from others, most people are other people, their thoughts are someone else’s opinion, their passions a quotation. Sometimes, we find our passion through the eyes of someone else’s eyes. So let’s share the same passion here. Who knows someday we’ll find our dream job from this little step. Blogging.

The Very Beginning : We Can Always Make Our Dreams Happen With Our Passion

At first I didn’t know why I made this blog. I already have one, actually. Bramasole is my personal blog, about my journey trough writing, my journey for becoming an author, and also my journey about becoming a psychologist.